Saturday, December 24, 2022

how birthstones are determined

In the world of jewelry, birthstones are special stones that bring good luck and protection to their wearers. Dating back hundreds of years, many cultures have identified certain stones as being associated with each month of the year. While we typically associate these birthstones with specific months and zodiac signs, it is not always the case.

So, how exactly are birthstones determined? Many believe that the tradition originates from the twelve gemstones found in Aaron's breastplate as described in the Bible. These gemstones were believed to symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel during Moses' time as he led them through the wilderness. The symbolism around them was also steeped in religious beliefs and astrology: sapphire represented divine favor, emerald joy and peace, and so on.

In modern times, gemologists often look to history for guidance when determining a stone's potential as a birthstone. They may look at historical documents to see if a specific stone was used for certain zodiac signs or months in earlier times or if it reflects significant astrological or spiritual meaning for people born in that month or period.

Furthermore, another factor contributing to birthstone determination is demand and availability from one region to another due to international language differences and mineral deposits across various parts of the world. For example, sapphires are the traditional birthstone for September due to their deep blue color according to Greek culture; onyx is considered October's traditional birthstone due to its black color found in India; opal is November's traditional birthstone because Lucky charms associated with it were believed by ancient Romans; and turquoise is December's traditional birthstone due to its green-blue tone found in Ancient Egypt.

Birthstones are also determined based on an individual's personal preference regarding color or shape—both visually and spiritually—as well as availability of certain types of gems can vary greatly by region. Many people favor one type over another when searching for their own personalized meaning behind the stones they choose; consequently this has an influence on who decides which stone will become commercially popular among consumers within their own particular demographic – ultimately leading more widely-recognized meanings behind certain precious stones today than ever before.

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